Glad you’re interested in signing up for the AACDARTS league! It is a quick process — simply follow these instructions and you’ll be hitting bullseyes in no time!

Visit to register

Our parent league, AAC (SPORTSAAC), hooks us up with administration doodads and thingamajigs. They also have a ton more sports than just darts! (sssssh!)

Click through to the registration portal on to view registration details for the current darts season.

Click the “Register” button

Near the top, right of the screen, locate and click the “Register” button to begin the signup process.

Select your type of registration

On the following screen you will be presented with three registration options. Please review carefully and select the correct option for your role.

Free Agent

You will be a free agent.

Select this role if you are a player who does not currently have a team. Our league directors will work with you and our teams to find a placement for you before the start of the season. Please register at least two weeks prior to the start of a season for best chances of being placed for that season.

Team Captain

You are the captain of a team.

Select this option if you are the team captain. Team Captain is responsible for securing bar partnership where the team can play their home games on Thursday nights at 8 PM local time. You are also responsible for ensuring your team players’ fees are paid either out-of-pocket or through partnership with a local bar. Bar partnerships can often result in the bar supporting the player fees and machine money for weekly games. It’s amazing what a kind smile can do!

On the next steps you will have the opportunity to pay all player fees now or defer payment later. Payments can be made online through PayPal. You can also email invite players to the team or simply direct them to register manually as a Team Player and select your team when asked.

Team Player

You are playing on an already organized team.

This option is for people who already are part of an organized team and have a Team Captain that has signed up. Team Players typically receive an invite from their Team Captain with a link to register. You can also register directly and select your team. If you do not see your team listed, please reach out to your team captain and they can work with the league directors to get that resolved.

Only select the team for which you have arranged to play with the Team Captain. DO NOT select a team you do not recognize. If you are looking for a team, please register for the league as a Free Agent, described above.

Accept the SPORTSAAC waiver

You assume all responsibility for accidents and such while playing in league sponsored events. Grab a cocktail, draw a bath, and get ready for a good read!

Get ready to have fun!

If you registered as a free agent, please reach out to our league directors at and introduce yourself. We will help find a team placement for you before the start of the season.

Captains start getting your team pumped up and communicating with your bar sponsors.

Remember the three pillars of our league: #sportsmanship #camaraderie #inclusion — let’s embody these every chance we get!