2024 Fall Playoffs (TOPS) Playoffs - TOPS Feb 6 Feb 13 Feb 20: Semifinals Feb 27: Finals theMofos February 6, 2025theMofos 5-2 Suck My CorkRandall's Pub theMofos February 13, 2025theMofos 5-0 Bulls Eye BitchesRandall's Pub Suck My Cork theMofos Bulls Eye BitchesFebruary 20, 2025theMofos 5-3 @mosFierceRandall's Pub February 6, 2025Bulls Eye Bitches 5-0 One Hole OffPlatform 47 Bulls Eye Bitches One Hole Off theMofos @mosFierceFebruary 27, 2025theMofos 3-5 Back 4 some AmstelPlatform 47 February 6, 2025@mosFierce 5-0 Pointer SistersAtmosphere @mosFierce February 13, 2025@mosFierce 5-3 UntouchaBullsAtmosphere Pointer Sisters @mosFierce UntouchaBulls February 6, 2025UntouchaBulls 5-0 What’s the Point?Meeting House Tavern UntouchaBulls What’s the Point? Back 4 some Amstel February 6, 2025Back 4 some Amstel 5-1 Could Use PracticeThe Double Bubble Back 4 some Amstel February 13, 2025Back 4 some Amstel 5-1 ShotchaThe Double Bubble Could Use Practice Back 4 some Amstel ShotchaFebruary 20, 2025Back 4 some Amstel 5-1 Butt DartsThe Double Bubble February 6, 2025Shotcha 5-3 FirecrackerMax's Place Shotcha Firecracker Back 4 some Amstel Butt Darts February 6, 2025Butt Darts 5-4 Q-TipsJackhammer Butt Darts February 13, 2025Butt Darts 8:00 PM EDGErs of the NightJackhammer Q-Tips Butt Darts EDGErs of the Night February 6, 2025EDGErs of the Night 5-4 Max’s Place!Cell Block EDGErs of the Night Max’s Place!